アジアヴァルドルフ教員会議 AWTC2015

The 6th Asian Waldorf Teachers' Conference 2015
Conference Report




Conference Report : What an inspirational week!

Emily Butler / Former Fujino English Teacher, Volunteer

What an inspirational week, filled with connections to new ideas and colleagues, as well as re-connections with friends made at former conferences! The smiles on the faces of all who attended this 6th Asian Waldorf Teachers' Conference in Fujino, Japan conveyed the inner warmth which was created for all of us by our wonderful hosts. The organizing group, consisting of diligently-working colleagues from the Kyotonabe Steiner School in Kyoto, the Hokkaido Steiner School in Hokkaido, the Tokyo-Kenji School in Tokyo, Yokohama Steiner School and the Fujino Waldorf School in Kanagawa, insured that every detail was consciously and meticulously tended. Behind the organizing group stood hundreds of volunteer parents and students, who greeted guests at airports, shepherded them through multiple bus and train changes, and carried their luggage upstairs and down until each participant had arrived safely at his/her destination. The healthy meals were carefully coordinated, and delicious, warm home-made lunches were served every day. Interludes of Taiko drumming, traditional folk dancing, orchestral music and eurythmy nourished our hearts. Indeed, the love was visible in every aspect of this conference.

Each morning, Ando-sensei brought us into harmony with her songs of fireflies, rainbows and farewell. Thanks to the Fujino Waldorf teachers, we heard the morning verse in both English and Japanese, before Hata-sensei inspired us with a poem each morning. Christof Wiechert led us with wisdom and humor to a deeper understanding Steiner's seven crucial elements of education. Teaching with joy, staying faithful to the core elements of Waldorf education, we may nurture our initiative, as well as our interest in our subjects and in our students. As we sharpen our feeling for soul responsibility, we must maintain our courage for the truth, and teach from our imaginations. Lofty goals, but achievable, with Christof's words of inspiration and encouragement! Over 35 workshops in the morning and afternoon allowed us the space to explore specific topics in greater depth. Each lecturer imbued his/her lessons with enthusiasm and creativity, and the discussions which ensued were thought-provoking as well as life-changing. Discussions continued under the magnificent bamboo tent, erected by parents, high school students and faculties of Fujino led by a local Artist over two days preceding the conference. It was inspiring to observe the conversations which took place in all corners of the school, as well on the play-yard, on stair-cases, and along the roadside of this idyllic setting here in Fujino. Our hearts have now been filled with an abundance which we carry to our home-countries, and which will undoubtedly likewise fill our colleagues with new enthusiasm for teaching and learning.

The last table has been disassembled and wiped clean. The chairs, too, have been wiped down and neatly stacked. Within hours, each surface has been cleaned, and the school has been restored to its former state. One would hardly know that for a brief 8 days, the Fujino Steiner School had served as a conference center to over 410 attendees. Only the breathtakingly beautiful flower arrangements remain, as testament to the goodness, beauty and truths which were shared here. And, of course, the new shining-bridges which we erected, thanks to the 6th Asian Waldorf Teacher's Conference.


エミリー・バトラー / ボランティア記録者,シュタイナー学園元英語講師



午前と午後を合わせ35もの分科会があり、それぞれの参加者が自分の関心分野の学びを十全に深める機会となった。 どの講師も熱意と創造性に満ちあふれ、受講者たちは質疑応答や意見交換を通して、自分の考えをさらに深めたり、まったく新しい気づきを得たりすることができた。こうした意見交換は、時には校庭にしつらえられた壮大な竹テントの下でも続けられた。この竹テントは、地域のアーティストの協力の元、藤野の保護者、高校生、教職員が、会議に先立つ2日間で設置したものだ。活発な意見交換の生き生きした光景は、校庭や階段、道ばたなど、藤野の田園風景の中、あちこちで見られた。会議で得たものすべてが、私たち参加者を充分に満たしてくれた。これがそれぞれの国に持ち帰られることで、各校の同僚たちの、教育と自ら学ぶことへの熱意が、より強まることを確信する。


Photo gallery / フォト・ギャラリー

We completed all the programs. Thank you!

On May 1, 2015, all the programs of AWTC2015 ended and the participants took journey back to their home countries with hope and enlightenment. This conference filled with joy was made possible by every single participant.

We would like to express our gratitude to you all and look forward to seeing you again in China for the next AWTC.

Some of the conference snapshots are posted in the following link. Please feel free to use the pictures for your reports and newsletters. Enjoy!






日本シュタイナー学校協会(代表:秦 理絵子)

* AWTC2015に関するお問い合わせの受付は終了しました。